One Sunday, some of the Poo Palace crew and I went for a hike into
the Menengai Crater. Mwangi grew up on the south rim and knew
the territory well. There's a well worn path along the bottom leading
to some caves once used to hike fighters resisting the British and
more recently by bootleggers. On the way out we saw a group of
monkeys looking down at us from the rocks above.
We knew going in that the weather was going to be iffy. The day
started out well with an easy walk up to the road along the south
rim and a bushwack down to the bottom. After lunch the weather
got bad so we bushwacked up to a gap in the headwall and circled
back to Mwangi's house. Unfortunately the rain got quite heavy on
the way out and we had to seek shelter a couple of times to wait out
the rain. One home had to cover its windows to prevent the rain from
coming in so we had to wait in the dark. It was still a nice way to see
a different part of the neighborhood and meet some of Mwangi's childhood neighbors.